Brig. (Dr.) R.S. Grewalformer Vice Chancellor, Chitkara University, Baddi (Himachal Pradesh)

Dr. Ashish BhallaDept. of Internal Medicine, PGIMER Chandigarh

Dr. Madhu Khullar Emeritus Scientist, ICMR, Dept. of Experimental Medicine & Biotechnology, PGIMER Chandigarh

Dr. Sukhdev Saini Chairman, Department of Ancient History & Archeology, Kurukshetra University, Kurukshetra

Dr. Vibha RayPrincipal D.A.V. Sr. Sec. School (Lahore), Sec-8, Chandigarh

Dr. Yogesh K. ChawlaPadma Shri, Ex-Director, PGIMER Chandigarh

Mr. Ashok Thakur, IASFormer Secretary Education, Govt. of India

Prof. A.K. AgarwalEmeritus Professor, Dept. of Mathematics, Panjab University, Chandigarh

Prof. Ajit KembhaviProfessor Emeritus at the Inter-University Centre for Astronomy and Astrophysics (IUCAA), Pune

Prof. Alok SrivastavaDepartment of Chemistry, Panjab University, Chandigarh

Prof. Ashok K. SinghalAstronomy & Astrophysics Division, Physical Research Laboratory, Ahmedabad

Prof. C.B. SharmaProfessor of Education, IGNOU, former Chairman, NIAS

Prof. Dheeraj SanghiVice Chancellor, JK Lakshmipat University, former Director, Punjab Engineering College, Chandigarh

Prof. Dilip G. KanhereProfessor Emeritus, Savitribai Phule, Pune University (Director, Science Museum, Pune University)

Prof. Dinesh Singhformer Vice Chancellor, Delhi University

Prof. George AndrewsEvan Pugh Professor of Mathematics, Pennsylvania State University

Prof. Harvinder K. JassalDept. of Physical Sciences, IISER Mohali

Prof. H.K. SenapatyDirector, NCERT, New Delhi

Prof. J.S BaglaDept. of Physical Sciences, IISER Mohali

Prof. Jaspal S. SandhuVice Chancellor, Guru Nanak Dev University, Amritsar

Prof. Jayaram N. ChengalurNCRA-TIFR, Mumbai

Prof. K. RamachandranProfessor, NIEPA, New Delhi

Prof. K.N. Pathakformer Vice Chancellor, Panjab University, Chandigarh

Prof. Keya DharamvirProfessor (Superannuated), Panjab University, Chandigarh

Prof. Kelinder Pal SinghVisiting Professor of Physics, IISER Mohali

Prof. Latika SharmaDept. of Education, Panjab University, Chandigarh

Prof. M.S. SriramMadras University, PI, DST Project on Eclipses in Ancient Indian Texts

Prof. P.V. BharatamDept. of Medicinal Chemistry, NIPER Mohali

Prof. Rajaram NityanandaAzim Premji University, Bengaluru

Prof. Shankar GhoshAwardee of SS Bhatnagar Prize & Professor, TIFR Mumbai

Prof. Suman B. BeriEmeritus Professor, Dept. of Physics, Panjab University, Chandigarh

Prof. Yashwant GuptaNCRA-TIFR Mumbai

Dharam Vir, IAS (Retd.)former Chief Secretary of Haryana

Er. M.L. GargSuperintending Engineer (Retd.), Govt. of Punjab

Prof. Pratap RaychaudhuriDept. of Soft Matter Physics, TIFR Mumbai

Prof. Krishnendu Ghosh DastidarDept. of Economics, JNU, New Delhi

Dr. Mahak SharmaDept. of Biological Sciences, IISER Mohali

Dr. S.S. ChahalAgriculture Scientist & Honorary Professor, Panjab University, Chandigarh

Dr. Srinivas KrishnagopalHead, Ion Accelerator Development Division, BARC

Dr. Shailesh NayakDirector, NIAS Bengaluru

Prof. Chris KingEarth Scientist, Keele University, Keele

Dr. Abha SurLecturer, History of Science & Gender Studies, MIT, USA

Dr. Pratibha Jollyformer Principal, Miranda House, New Delhi

Dr. Rama BhargavaProfessor of Mathematics, former Dean Admin & Member BOG, IIT Roorkee

Dr. Rajinder SinghInstitute of Physics, University of Oldenburg, Germany

Dr. Fouran SinghScientist F, Structural & Spectroscopy Lab, IUAC, New Delhi

Prof. Rajesh KochharHistorian of Science, Honorary Professor, Panjab University