The team consisting of the duo Aditya Prasad and Hirdal Singh, of Delhi Public School, Chandigarh won the Third Raman Physics Quiz organized for schools of Chandigarh by the Society for Promotion of Science & Technology in India today at the Bhavan Vidyalaya, Sector-27B, Chandigarh. Two teams, namely Nikhil Goyal and Hargun Singh Walia, students of Bhavan Vidyalaya and Jaisidh Singh and Sachin Singh of Sri Guru Gobind Singh Collegiate shared the second position. Pranshu and Bhavya Kohli of Pt. Mohan Lal SD Public School got the third position.

In all, fifty-seven teams of thirty-two schools of Chandigarh participated in the Quiz. Every School was allowed to sponsor upto two teams, each comprising of two students. Smt. Vineeta Arora, Bhavan Vidyalaya felicitated the winners and gave away the prizes and certificates. The jury comprised of Prof. K. P. Singh of IISER Mohali and Prof. Suman Beri of Panjab University. The Quiz was supported by the Department of Science and Technology, Chandigarh.

As a prequel to the first round of the Quiz, Professor Keya Dharamvir, SPSTI’s General Secretary had demonstrated several interesting and eye-catching experiments to generate curiosity for and interest in physics amongst the students. In this novel format, questions were asked based on these experiments.

Dharam Vir, President of the SPSTI stated that the possibility of organizing quizzes in science and mathematics for the schools of tri-city is being explored.